It can be hard to know they're experiencing ear troubles. In fact, ear infections and soreness can occur in silence. But they do give you clues. Listen out for them shaking their head (often their collar tags will tinkle) or pawing at their ears. Often the best way to know is to lift up their ear flaps and look inside. A build-up of dark wax or a fruity/pungent smell are signs that trouble is brewing.
That's when getting on top of the problem with my Ear De-Gunker is crucial. Just apply a small squirt of 5 drops or so into the ear canal, massage from the base of the ear and dry the ear with a soft cloth. For maintenance, we generally recommend using the Ear De-Gunker on a weekly basis. For prevention, 1-2 times per week. If you notice those early signs of an ear infection, then you can use them daily until you see an improvement.
If symptoms persist or there are signs of an underlying condition, then we'd always recommend visiting your vet to ensure further intervention isn't required.