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Whether they’re writing their wee-mails or scrawling their graffit-wee, cocking the leg is one of the most doggy of all behaviours.
But do you know the real reason they do it?
Ok time for...
Surprise Number #1. Dogs aren’t born knowing how to lift their leg against a tree or telegraph pole. They genuinely have to see another male dog do it or come across a worryingly high wet patch to prompt them into the literal 3 legged dog.
But why wee against a pole or tree? Well, it sends a scent signal. And since a dog’s sense of smell is their most powerful weapon, any pup passing knows that this territory is patrolled by another dog and to clear out. Well that’s the hope anyway. The normal result is that dog then lifts his leg over the top of that patch so that he then owns that territory. Yes, a walk with a male dog is 150 real estate sales in one stroll. Thankfully without the stamp duty.
Now it's time for Surprise #2. Why not just squat next to the pole?
Well, the aerial acrobatics of lifting the leg and spraying the wee high up the pole, tree or even grass makes any passing dog believe the ‘artist’ is much bigger and more intimidating than they actually are.
It’s a game of pretend played out with some ‘live streaming’…
But what about those serial sprayers?
There's no doubt some of the furry family take their scent signals very seriously. In fact, it's often a mystery where all that wee comes from. But this obsessive leg cocking is usually the result of either being entire or being castrated (neutered) after they've reached sexual maturity. Meaning testosterone has hard wired them to be more territorially minded and mark multiple times.
This then means no tree, pole, bike or picnic basket is safe!