Let’s talk belly buttons. Ours couldn’t be more obvious. But do dogs and cats even have one?
Yep, while we have an ‘innie’ or an ‘outie’, is it possible our pets are born ‘withoutie’? Let’s investigate...
Well, as someone who’s delivered lots of puppies and kittens (and even given mouth to mouth to a few!), I can assure you that all our pets (apart from birds and snakes) are born with an umbilical cord. It's what makes them mammals!
On the button!
Yep, that magical cord been their lifeline throughout their time in the womb (uterus); delivering oxygen rich blood.
Then, when that is cut, it retracts and forms a tiny scar; a belly button on their abdomen!
So they DO have belly buttons.

But how do you find them on your pet?
It’s hard. But try this. If they’re ok with you doing it, run your finger along the midline of their belly from the base of their ribs (sternum) towards their bottom. You’ll feel a little groove right down the middle. About 1/3 of the way, you’ll feel a little bump. That’s their belly button.
In male dogs, it’s a bit easier to find as it’s just in front of their private area aka the red rocket.
How did you go? Find it?!