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This face is actually the tell-tale sign. You see, while overly inquisitive noses or prodding paws are the most common sting sites, the venom in the sting sets off a wider allergic reaction that causes this puffy face. And just like us, it’s usually the second and subsequent stings that can result in the most serious reactions. Rarely however, the consequences are more life threatening with breathing difficulties needing urgent veterinary care.
How do you know they’ve been stung?
A sharp yelp is a giveaway. Followed by pain and some localised swelling.
Look for the sting which resembles a a small black sac or splinter stuck in the skin.
The bee, wasp or hornet may be seen crawling nearby.
How do you know if the reaction could be life threatening?
Unfortunately there’s no way to predict it. Previous stings may give you a guide but reactions often become more severe over time. Your safest option is to get them checked out by your vet.
How do you prevent stings?
It’s hard. But keeping pets our of flower beds is a good start.
Desensitising them to the effects of stings over time (through injections) should also help.
You hope that over time pets learn the dangers these stingers present. But let’s be honest, that’s not always the case! The lure of something brightly coloured buzzing around the yard is often too much!