June 08, 2019

Want to help save the koala from extinction? Buy them a drink.

Want to help save the koala from extinction? Buy them a drink.
Dr. Chris Brown

Want to help save the koala from extinction? Buy them a drink. Yes, it turns out that thirst is pushing our most adorable animal to the brink...

Increased temperatures and reduced rainfall from climate change means that not only is the water content of their favourite eucalyptus leaves lower but the toxins in the leaves are higher.

So eating leaves alone is leaving koalas thirsty. However, a Sydney University study found that water stations (like water fountains or easily accessible troughs) could help koalas manage their thirst and increase their chances of survival. Protecting habitat and limiting the effects of predators, fire, chlamydia and road accidents are also key to their survival.

Importantly, early trials of koala water stations are showing good results. So maybe this is one Australian who’s drinking problem should be well and truly supported...

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